Moments of Last Man On Earth-style films in which an unlikely occurrence or eery change in familiar scenery suggests the influence of another intelligent being, where there should be none.

“The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door…”

Knock, Fredric Brown

In I Am Legend, Robert Neville is perplexed to run across “Fred,” a mannequin so familiar to him as to have earned a name, having been relocated without his influence. Neville, outwardly questioning Fred’s inanimate nature, becomes ensnared in a trap similar to one he had previously set for one of the town’s infected inhabitants, which are now revealed to have a dangerously high level of aptitude.

In The Omega Man, Robert Neville prowls the streets of empty Los Angeles. He becomes distraught to suddenly hear telephones ringing in cacophony throughout the city, causing him to almost miss the sundown deadline when the infected become an existential threat.

In The Quiet Earth, Zac Hobson and the only other known survivor left on Earth, Joanne, have split up to search for potential trapped survivors and scientific explanations for their predicament. As Zac drives through the city, his path becomes blocked by a stationary truck, then is further directed and streamlined by other empty trucks, until he reaches a dead end. As he backtracks, his route is dreadfully (but not too shockingly) cut off by a moving truck!